Starting in early September our funny, smart, sweet cat Fife started experiencing issues with urinating. He has suffered many vet visits, poking and prodding, tests, and we exhausted all natural and holistic options to treat his condition of feline lower urinary tract disease. His diet was changed, we gave fluids, ETC. but still Fife has been blocked three times now. It's a life threatening scenario, and each visit has broken our hearts and emptied our wallets. Being that we don't have children yet, and are such animal lovers, Fife is truly our baby and the three of us are very close. At the advice of a few different vets and trusted friends with experience with this, we have decided to get a surgery for Fife to widen his urethra and prevent further blockages, (which can result in a ruptured bladder.) This has not been an easy time or decision for us, but we feel confident we are doing the right thing to save Fife's life and maintain quality going forward. He is less than 2 years old, and we could not possibly justify putting Fife to sleep at such a young age and because it would devastate us. We've also considered that this surgery is rather "routine" in males, and while still quite serious to undergo, he has a very bright future and is expected to make a full recovery. The risks are minimal. Considering the costs Chelsea has incurred this year for Lyme disease (which insurance covers none of), and the money Randall has spent on travel and time off work for the death of two close family members, our savings accounts are pretty wiped out and we are just overwhelmed by this huge financial hit for Fife's life, and humbled to admit we could really use some help. A lot of this is going on credit cards, and we have faith everything will work out, but we know sometimes we all need 'a little help from our friends'. If all you can offer right now is prayers, love, and encouraging words, that is quite enough, and we have been uplifted and inspired by all our loved ones, and even people we don't know very well offering sentiments of support. If you do have anything to spare and contribute to Fife's medical bills, and feel called to do so, we would be eternally grateful. One day we will be in a position to be helping others again, and hopefully saving animals of all kinds too, as those are endeavors we are passionate about, and we are both philanthropic at heart. Both of us have struggled significantly at times in our lives, but have always figured out a way to make it work. We are survivors, and so is Fife, and we will certainly pay your generosity forward in due time. We know not everyone is in a position to donate, so please let us reiterate that we know all our friends and family care so much regardless of contribution to this, and every little bit of love- whether in the form of positive energy, or a small donation of funds, will be met with the utmost gratitude, and will help in the healing of our tired, wounded souls right now, too. Blessings to those of you who took the time to read. Feel free to share this on social media, if you want. Again, no pressure. We love you all. Namaste, Chelsea (& The Wolf)
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