

On July 4th, Kyle Cremarosa passed away after a 15-year battle with cancer. An accomplished athlete, a loyal friend, and most importantly a proud and loving father, Kyle prioritized his family - no matter how exhausting - with theme parks, snowboarding, Disney days, gingerbread house building, dance parties, and so much more. Kyle's last request to his friends was to enable more magical moments and continued experiences where his purpose will go on - ensuring his girls Liv and Kena receive all they need, and keeping the joy of his memory alive. Donations here will go towards funding those life-embracing experiences for his girls and his wife Anna. If substantially more than the requested amount is raised, a portion will go to the 529 college savings accounts for the girls. If you would prefer to contribute directly to the 529 accounts, please contact Effie Braun (below) directly and she will connect you with the appropriate channels. Thank you for your contributions, and to leave a memory, photo, video, or more, please see Kyle's memorial board HERE.

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