

Friends, family, and loved ones - Our wonderful dad Michael Baker passed away on July 9 and we are now raising funds to support the costs associated with his transition. This includes his cremation and memorial services in Italy and the upcoming memorial service in America which will be held at the Emmanuel Christian Center on Sunday, August 27th at 3:00 pm: 7777 University Avenue NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Door 4 There will be a reception immediately following the service at the same location. The event will be open to all those he touched. Michael had a passion for lifting up young musicians; any of the remaining funds raised in this campaign will be dispersed to Michael's wife Laura, who will identify the best ways to support local artists in his name. Please give what you can, even if it's only your time at the service. We would love to see you. Love to all <3 -Mike's kids, Kamal, Aisha and Camilla

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