"I think this record is a masterpiece worthy of its place among the great works of art it was created to honor..." Grammy award winning engineer, Trina Shoemaker was impressed by Morin’s intelligence, humility and humor..."Cary has created a body of work that goes far beyond what he set out to achieve... Through the songs, I was able to visualize these unseen paintings with uncanny clarity and feel the powerful emotions that would surely be inspired were I to see Mr. Russell’s paintings firsthand.” - Steve Paul, KC Studio Magazine, January 3rd, 2024 Innocent Allies is a tribute to Western artist Charles M. Russell as depicted through the songs of an Afro-Indigenous artist, me and my life in Great Falls, Montana, where Charlie lived and worked. Surrounded by music and art as a child, I was also surrounded by my father’s and grandfather Robert Yellowtail's favorite artist and local hero, Charles Marion Russell. As a Montanan, knowing his work was the same as knowing the Montana mountains, rivers, and the big Montana sky. This project is extremely important to me, I think it is one of my finest to date. It is a 2+ year labor of love, and I cannot wait to get it out into the world! The project has garnered many accolades from all of the folks and organizations we have presented it to thus far, and I am looking forward to seeing it to fruition! Everything is budget dependent at this point... We have received some wonderful grants and private donations to date. With this support and our time, effort, and personal financial resources, we are well on the way to being able to release this project in early November of 2024! We are asking for your help to raise the funds needed for licensing, artwork, publicity (radio, print, & digital), video production, and a book for the project. Publicity/ Video / Digital Production Budget Video Production $10,000 Artwork Licensing $ 5000 Press Release / Bio / Professional Writer $ 1000 Graphics Design / Branding $ 5000 Print Media Publicity $ 9000 Digital Media Publicity $ 4500 Radio Publicity $ 4500 Misc Publicity (digital services) $ 1000 Postage / Supplies $ 750 Manufacturing of Book $ 3000 TOTAL FUNDS NEEDED $ 43,750 We can't thank you enough for your consideration! While we are unsure of the final products, except for the music in CD & download formats, we are not offering specific rewards for the donations at this point. We will offer everyone who donates digital downloads. Beyond this, we will consider each donation and match it carefully with whatever the final products are. We are looking into vinyl and a book detailing the project along with information about Cary and Charlie Russell along with the art images and sound recordings. Fingers crossed! We'd like to do all of these things and share them with you! If you'd like to make a major donation, please contact celeste (at) maplestreetmusic (dot) com to discuss how we may partner with you. We are offering shows and executive producer-ships in exchange for some of these donations. We are also looking to partner with businesses for endorsements. Thank you again for your consideration! Cary Morin
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