

Tim's Obituary: Our names are Lauri and Ami`, we have been friends with Jamie, for over 8 years, all thanks to working at SNHU. We are here asking for help for our dear friend, and her family. Through the past seven years, her family has been through a lot. On March 2016, Tim had a full-blown seizure in front of their children. From that medical incident, Tim was diagnosed with Astrocytoma. His first surgery was in April of 2016, where they could not remove the tumor because it was attached to the fibers that control Tim’s leg and would cause paralysis. Luckily after surgery, Jamie and Tim received good news, that the tumor was benign, but the Doctors wanted to treat it like cancer because of its location. After 6 weeks of radiation and 6 months of chemotherapy, Tim was done. From here on out, it would be life as normal, other than MRIs every 3 months for the rest of his life. During his MRI check in April of 2024, at the height of COVID, Tim's doctor discovered his tumor was growing again. It was back to the same Chemo plan as in 2019. In July 2024, Tim got the news that he was in remission, and he and Jamie got to celebrate their 10 years of marriage in Key West. Life was back to their new “normal”. In December of 2024, during another MRI, the tumor showed more signs of growth. This led to a biopsy surgery of the tumor, in January of 2024. During this surgery, they came across some minor complications. The results showed that the tumor progressed and mutated. It was no longer benign but had mutated. Tim was now officially diagnosed with Glioblastoma. The treatment the Doctors started was Ibrenza, while the drug is made for Breast Cancer, it can also work for Brain Cancer. After 4 months, the Doctors did not see enough progression in the shrinking of the tumor. So they started a much more aggressive chemo. During this time, Tim's movement issues started, weakness in the left ankle, causing a limp, which progressively got worse. We now enter the Fall of 2024, where Tim started infusions to help reduce the swelling in his brain, he will be on these until he no longer helps. Spring of 2024, Tim's movement started getting significantly worse. He started using a cane, and they invested in a scooter. The movement has moved from not just his left ankle/leg to his left arm. He was no longer able to work. Tim applied for disability through his work. June of 2024, they ended chemo and scans showed that the cancer slowed, but did not stop the tumor from growing. Tim is starting another course of radiation, and his Doctors are currently looking for any trials and other treatments that could work for him. Jamie and Tim are always there for their community, and Jamie will always lend a helping hand. They got to have some amazing family time together in Alaska in July and came home to find out, that while Tim applied for disability through his work, he would not be qualifying, as he was two weeks short of working for the company to get disability. Now it's time for us to help the Corbett family. As Jamie is a High School English teacher, they have no income coming in this summer. With two growing kids, some extra money for groceries, bills, medical bills and all that is needed for a family, this can help ease a lot of the stress that they are currently experiencing.

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