

On behalf of My mom Jamie last week when mom was in the hospital she had 800ml of fluid drained from her lungs and they sent the fluid to pathology to test for cancer cells. kojack and I went with her to her oncology appointment this afternoon and the fluid in her lung contains active cancer. the lung cancer she was diagnosed with prior was stage 1 cancer. the fluid in her lung is considered to be stage 4 because of the fact that it is fluid and now she has a higher chance of having the cancer spread to other organs and other parts of her body. because of this fluid, he is starting her on an aggressive treatment which will include chemotherapy and immunotherapy. she will complete 4 to 6 rounds of chemotherapy/immunotherapy. she will do 2 rounds of therapy and then Dr. Wos will do a PET scan, if it is working — he will do another 2 rounds and then do another PET scan. if after 4 rounds she is taking to the treatment, he will stop the chemotherapy and do just immunotherapy to hopefully keep it away. if after 4 treatments it hasn’t improved, she will do 6 cycles of treatment and he will reassess after that to figure out what will happen next. on Tuesday August 1st, she will go to the hospital to have a port inserted for chemo and have the remaining fluid in her lung drained and then she will start chemotherapy after that. on her most recent PET scan, he found another new tumor on her lung which he thinks could be causing her pain under her left shoulder, he is hoping that the chemotherapy will get rid of these little random tumors that have come up on her scans. if anything changes, i will let everyone know.

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