Hello, my name is Silas Jeffers, an 18-year-old recent graduate from Newport Harbor High School who lives in Costa Mesa, CA. On August 11th I will be moving to El Zonte, La Libertad, El Salvador for 5 months to volunteer at an organization called the Hope House https://hopehouseelsalvador.org/en/ The Hope House is a community-based organization that works with the local youth of El Zonte and surrounding communities by teaching skills in technology, general education, recreation, English classes and most importantly, God's love. During a vacation I took in March to El Salvador, I had the privilege of volunteering one day at the Hope House. The experience was so touching and life-changing that I felt called to take a step of faith and move there for a semester to volunteer my time and skills. I am so grateful for this opportunity and will be extremely appreciative of any donation and ask for your prayers as well! Thank you - Silas Jeffers
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