

First of all, thanks for checking out my post and being a friend. And if you are family then thanks for putting up with me. Second, I would love for you to consider supporting me in a new adventure. This fall I’m traveling with my church to visit our friends in Iganga, Uganda. Flatirons Church partners with a wonderful organization there called, Musana. If you haven’t heard of them here is a great video to explain what they are all about and how it has impacted the communities they are a part of. The primary focus of this trip will be to support current missionaries and lend a hand where needed. This is my first time traveling to Uganda and, although I am excited, it is scary! I hear Ugandans are beautiful people, full of life and laughter, who are hospitable, kind, and make great friends. I’m super excited for my opportunity to offer the skills that I have and learn from my soon-to-be Ugandan friends. There are two ways that you may support my trip: prayer and finances. My goal is to have at least one person dedicated to praying for me each day that I’m gone–a total of 10 days. My trip dates are September 21-Oct 2. If you are willing to pray for me, my team, and Musana, please let me know. As for the total cost of my trip, it is steep at about $3,500 to be exact. If you are able, please join me in this journey through your financial contribution. Thank you so much in advance for your thoughts, prayers and donations to make this amazing service opportunity a reality! Thank you for supporting the ways god will use me in this experience. Your donation basically means you get to travel alongside with me and make a difference too! Collin Dullaghan Ultra important PS! Any contributions to Flatirons Community Church short-term trips are tax-deductible so far as the law allows. If you would like to receive a giving statement, please provide an e-mail address with your donation.

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