Life has handed me a new opportunity, and I am seizing it with your assistance. . . let me explain: I was awarded a scholarship to receive my Master Practitioner of Shamanic Energy Medicine from The Four Winds. It is a 6-month online course that could be taken in person for 34k in Peru with the group or online for 10k. I feel honored to be accepted and am looking forward to the new adventures life is welcoming. A link to the site for more information can be found here. Instead of trying to take the course while juggling all my responsibilities, friends and chosen commitments - I have been gifted an opportunity to relocate to the magically grounded, environmentally conscious and shore dive capital of the world, Bonaire. This is when everything started falling into place - keep reading ;) Ever since 2012 when I got scuba certified in Cozumel, I have had in my mind that being a Dive Master would be an epic "backup plan." There have been large gaps between my scuba adventures but each time I go underwater, I feel so connected to all things, and very much a part of the oneness of life. While visiting Bonaire on a scuba adventure just recently I met a scuba instructor that everything vibed with. His demeanor, way of communicating, patience and understanding all illustrated that this is the person I have been waiting for to complete my 2month long Dive Master internship. He will be retiring from his 40 years of employment with Dive Shops and will have the time to train me during the 6 months that I will be on the island completing my online course. The plan: spend 20 yrs/week doing online training to become a Master Practitioner of Shamanic Energy Medicine (double the time commitment estimate). Wake up each morning to do breathwork meditation underwater while practicing skills to attain my Rescue Diver and Diver Master Certifications. Purge my body & penial gland of the everyday chemicals, heavy metals and 5G contamination we live amongst daily to fully receive the messages & fine tune my physic and channeling abilities. Learning how to live life connected and light. I have a house/dog sit booked for August that is financing my 6-month online course with 4winds. I am renting out Ladybug (my house in Reno) to finance my rental in Bonaire. I have some savings that will handle my monthly expenses. But, scuba gear is my concern. I go years between dive adventures, so it has made sense up till now to rent the newest gear available from the dive shops that I am diving with. However, to become a Dive Master you need over 60 dives and your own gear. I have been pricing different pieces and narrowing down the most important gear to get to start this new underwater life for myself. I am hoping to purchase gear before I leave so that I am confident with it when starting my Rescue Diver course (which is a pre-requisite for Dive Master). The gear I have found that is necessary comes to $4,470.41. The eLearning courses on PADI come to $812. The knowledge review/in-person training of these scuba courses comes to $1,799. To give you a comparison of pricing a BCD (vest that holds the air) is $20/day for rental @ the 218 days I will be on the island - it would be $4360 just to rent that one piece for the duration of my training. So it makes sense to purchase gear ahead of time. I have created an Amazon list with all the scuba gear that I have selected to start my new underwater life. If you would rather purchase an item directly from the list (like a wedding registry) please ship items to: 127 Keystone Ave. Reno Nevada 89503 no later than Sept 10th 2024 (estimated departure date). Here is the link: Amazon scuba gear list If you would rather donate some funds, that would also be extremely helpful in purchasing elearning from PADI and/or the knowledge review(s) with the Dive Instructor. I am only sending this to people in my inner circle, who believe in me and have supported me along my journey thus far. If each of you who receives this link donates just $100 each, I will make my goal! If you feel so inclined to assist in a larger capacity, I am extremely grateful!! Everyone who donates will be able to opt into monthly personalized emails from yours truly with updates, photos and stories from island life. Please make sure to leave a note with your donation if you are interested in monthly updates. I can't wait to take you all with me in spirit and my heart as I step into my authentic self and choose a life that I have always reserved as a "back up plan." Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read my story in its entirety and for considering assisting me in becoming the underwater professional of my dreams. Once both the Energy Medicine training and the scuba certificates are concluded I will be able to start an Energy Medicine Practice and introduce people to a whole new world underwater and on land. Possibly looking into starting a Zen Diving course offered through PADI. So many amazing possibilities from there!
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