Hi, my name is Quan and this is my dog Sebastian. I am going to tell the journey of Seabass's medical troubles so if you are already familiar or don't want to read it, scroll down. I rescued Seabass back in 2017 and he came with kennel cough. This is apparently normal for dogs that spend time in shelters but is easily cured with some basic antibiotics. Once his course of antibiotics finished, he didn't show signs of improving. He actually got worse once the antibiotics ran out. His 1st ER trip was scary but informative. We found out that he actually has persistent double pnuemonia. After spending a few nights in the ICU in an oxygen cage, they found an antibiotic to treat his pneumonia and he was able to come home. After a few months on this antibiotic, the doctors wanted to ween him off to see if his body was able to fight the remaining infection on it's own. I certainly had my doubts about this after his first ER visit but trusted this doctor. We let the antibiotics run out and unfortunately his health quickly declined. He was breathing with short rapid breaths, started having accidents in the house and just wasn't himself. I called the doctor immediately while watching Seabass like a hawk, to explain what was going on. The doctor assured me that he was going to be fine. But once Seabass stopped eating, I knew things were awry. I rushed him back to the ER and they got him in an oxygen cage right away. The doctors said his body went into sepsis and started to shut down. They cranked the oxygen to the max and threw every antibiotic they had at him to see if he would improve. After a couple days, he started to show signs of life and started to recover. He was eventually discharged and I requested he be prescribed the same antibiotic that saved him. More checkups showed that the meds were not getting rid of the infection but just keeping it at bay. Throughout the 5 years he's been on this antibiotic, doctors wanted to change his meds. Obviously with his history and the expense of his last ER visit, I was not going to rock the boat and change what was working for him. I did know that eventually infections build up a tolerance to the antibiotic and I'd have to eventually make a decision on whether to run the tests again or to let him go. On Tuesday August 1st, he started having the same symptoms of declining health. He started to have rapid shallow breathing, accidents in the house and just wasn't his usual perky self. Once he declined to eat breakfast, I knew it was time to take him to the ER again. They got him back in the oxygen cage and started pumping him with new antibiotics to try and push the infection back. After some internal arguing, I decided that he still had so much left to offer the world even with his underlying lung infection. He is just so full of life and happiness that I HAVE to give him the full experience of life. I HAVE to keep trying. He deserves to live a full and healthy life and to continue spreading joy to every person he comes across. I gave the doctors the greenlight to keep him in the ICU oxygen cage and to keep running tests on his infections to see what antibiotic would be best moving forward. After 3 days in the ICU oxygen cage and multiple antibiotics, he is finally back to breathing normally on room air, eating and regular energy levels. Everyone at the ICU is flabbergasted at what a different dog he is when he is feeling well. They want to send him home today with a weeks worth of the current antibiotic he is on. In the meantime, they are growing cultures of his infection in petri dishes and are going to test different antibiotics to see which one has the most effect on his persistent infection. Unfortunately, the 3 days in the ICU and the trachael wash/catscans and meds ran his bill up. If you know me, you know I hate asking for anything especially money. I already have 2 jobs and will probably get a 3rd to help pay for this. I don't have many options so I am turning to the community for help. Any amount will help lessen the burden. If you can't donate then that is fine as well. Just promise to give Seabass all the head scratches next time you see him and tell him he's a strong good boy.
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