

About Sophie Mrs Sweet is the kindest, most cheerful loving animal soul I have ever met. She is soft and round and makes the most perfect prrrt noises. She is 8 yrs old and was perfectly healthy. About the Owner I'm Rachel Sunter, aka rsun. I'm a single, queer pianist/songwriter in my 30s. I just moved to Montreal with my cats, twins, Sophie and Rufio. They are indoor cats, rescues I raised from kittens, who take regular walks on leashes, and love to play with my students and befriend pets around the neighbourhood. The Accident July 25 Sophie did a sneaky jump to an impossible ledge, slipped and fell 4 stories from my balconette to pure concrete. Strangers found me sobbing with her in the street outside, and drove my car for me, to get us to a good emergency vet. Because of these strangers' kindness and speed, Sophie is miraculously alive. She needed 4 surgeries on her broken jaw, hip, hard palate, and paw. She had no internal bleeding nor organ damage. She survived all 2.5 days of 4 surgeries, only to have cardiac arrest as she came off anesthetic the last time. Her poor heart stopped for 10 minutes before resuscitation, meaning she is now healing from unknown neurological complications. This is so far manifesting as cortical blindness, and lack of coordination of her limbs. Cost Breakdown I put $15,000 on my credit card July 25th, which was required to save her. This is a high-interest credit card and not a healthy long-term financing option. Here was my original estimate. Since then, due to her cardiac arrest, the total bill is over $28,000. The DMV Foundation - a vet association - is donating $1,500 off that, hence my handwriting by the total on page 6. Please help me and Sophie! She is working so hard to stay alive. I am visiting her every day, where I hold her and talk to her. Selling my car (to pay for this) will make it a lot harder for me to care for my two cats and do my job as a pianist in a new city. Any amount helps. Prayers and shares also welcome.

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