

Hi, my name is Sam! Our cat Celeste had a litter of kittens who are now 8 weeks old. A week ago I noticed one of the kittens, Sarah, had a brown discharged coming from her vagina and that she wasn’t using the bathroom. We brought her to the vet, believing she was severely constipated or maybe bladder stones. Upon further investigation via x-ray, we learned that this 8 week old kitten has not pooped a day in her life. She is obstipated and needs surgery because she does not have the connection from her rectum to her colon. They were not even able to use a rectal thermometer because of the deformity she was born with. The pre-surgical testing, surgery, and post operative care is all estimated to be around $8000. She is expected to recover and be okay since we caught this before it’s too late. Our family would greatly appreciate any help, even just sharing that anyone can give.

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