

Lamentablemente compartimos la notica de que ha fallecido Roberto Cortes Cortes. Querído padre, hijo , hermano, primo, tio, y amigo de mucha gente. Roberto fue muy buena persona durante su vida siempre conocido por ser alegre con una sonrisa que compartía con cualquiera no importaba como el andaba en su vida personal. Y tristemente en un viaje con amigos, tuvo un derrame celebral que daño a su celebro y no sobrevivió. Dejando a sus padres, 2 hijos, y familia con un dolor que nunca se superara. Pedimos ayuda para los gastos del funeral cualquier ayuda es una bendición, y seremos eternamente agradecidos. De antemano muchas gracias. Unfortunately we share the news that Roberto Cortes Cortes has passed away. Beloved father, son, brother, cousin, uncle, and friend to many people. Roberto was a very good person during his life, always known for being cheerful with a smile that he shared with anyone, no matter how he was doing in his personal life. And sadly on a trip with friends, he had a stroke that damaged his brain and he did not survive. Leaving his parents, 2 children, and family with a pain that will never be overcome. We ask for help with funeral expenses any help is a blessing, and we will be eternally grateful. Beforehand thank you very much.

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