We met Ringo during the Holiday season a year ago. He was transferred into our adoption program from DeWitt Animal Hospital, where he was taken by the dog control officer who saved him from the perils of life on the streets. He was very thin. You could see every bone in his frail body. His coat was thin and dull, but his tail never stopped wagging and his eyes were soft and gentle. Life had not been kind to this sweet boy. He had known hunger. He had known neglect. He learned quickly that food was now plentiful and using his manners got him some extra treats. He spent endless hours on the cuddle couch, greeting every visitor both human and canine. He wrote his letter to Santa and boy did Santa deliver. Just after Christmas, he went home to life in the country with a multi-generational family. When everyone else is working, he keeps his 80 year old gramma safe and they fill eachother's lives with laughter and love. He gained weight. His coat and eyes now shine and although he never goes without, eating fast and eating everything has been a hard habit to break. A 2 inch corn cob swallowed whole threatened to end his happy new life and break his family's heart, robbing him of experiencing his very first Christmas as a loved and cherished family member. He came through the first surgery just fine, but 3 days post-op, an internal suture failed and he required a second surgery to save his life again. He is home recovering and the worst is behind him, but his family is left with veterinary bills exceeding $7,000. We know what can happen when many people come together and each do a little - we experience it here at Helping Hounds every day. We wept with the family as they made very difficult decisions to save their dog or keep their financial health. We worried with them when the suture failed, celebrated with them when he went home again. Now we are hoping that you will join us in helping them recover some of the expenses, giving what you can to one very special dog and the people who love him.
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