Hi all, my name is Matt Wertman and I started this fundraiser to try and help afford a needed surgery for our new puppy Pimento (we call him Po Boy!) We have a 3 year old Chinese Sharpei and just recently got a male Sharpei to grow up with her and play. They just started getting along really well when Po got sick the first time. He was unable to walk, swollen, and running a fever. Our first dog has had Sharpei Fever before so we made him an appointment and got him started on medication from our vet. He was looking better. But then on July 4th we took him to an emergency clinic because he was unable to stand, couldn’t stop drooling, and was running fevers again. After two days held at the vet Po was not getting any better and was transferred to PVSEC Hospital in Pittsburgh. At 11 weeks old Po is currently held in the ICU to be on oxygen. After more X-rays we found out he was born with a very large hiatal hernia. The hernia is big enough that it has been preventing him from breathing correctly and he has unfortunately developed a pneumonia as well. Our hope is that Po can recover enough to the point that he is able to get surgery to fix his hernia and start improving. After an estimate of about $15,000-$20,000 once everything is done, our choices were to proceed with treatment and surgery or decide to put him down. We are going to give Po a chance to fight and proceed with surgery whether we get donations or not, but we greatly appreciate any support given to us. Thanks all!
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