On 7/18 my wife and I adopted Yoli Cannoli from a rescue. He is a 10 week old Chihuahua mix puppy. The first day we had him he was a typical, happy, energetic puppy. On day 2 he started to look lethargic and stopped being interested in food. On day 3 he was vomiting, sleeping, not eating, and havingw bowl issues. We immediately took him to Blue Pearl vet hospital in Levittown. He was displaying all of the text book symptoms of Parvo. He was tested and our worst fear came true when they came back and told us he tested positive. Parvo is a potentially deadly viral infection that attacks the immune system and digestive tract of puppies. Survival depends on how fast you catch it and shear luck. He was immediately put in isolation and IV fluids and a feeding tube went in. He is fighting fevers, low white blood cell counts, dehydration and vomiting, amongst other things. His tiny little body is putting up an amazingly strong fight. When we adopted this puppy we had no idea , that in 3 days we would be mounting thousands of dollars of vet bills to save his life. He has been in the hospital for 4 days and showing some positive signs of improvement but no word on when he will be in the clear. We are not people who typically ask for help, but at roughly $1000 a day, for possibly up to 6-10 days, we are asking for kindness and generosity to help us give Yoli the support he needs to survive. If you can’t help with a donation, please help by sharing this post. When Yoli beats this virus he will have no lifelong complications or issues. He has the potential to be a happy, healthy, normal dog. In 3 short days we have fallen in love with him, and are doing everything we can to support him. Please help if you can.Thank you all for listening and caring enough to read Yoli’s story. I will post updates daily as I get them.
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