We hadn't gone to New Holland in years and when we did, Chianti was there. You could say it was love at first sight. We brought this boy home and started his rehab journey. Chianti's left foot was completely empty. It was filled with remnants of fungal dust that used to be live tissue. This was when he immediately turned into the resale fail. It takes 1 year to grow a new hoof for a horse- it takes longer to ask all of the live tissue to come back inbetween the hoof wall and supporting the coffin bone. We found out early on that Chianti shuffled through 7 homes by the time he was 9 when we picked him up. He was a high end and well trained horse with completely neglected health. Chianti also had ulcers, rain rot, chronic mud burns and teeth that had cut through the insides of his mouth making blisters and ulcers. We knew pretty early on that after we got this guy to 100%, he was staying. Chianti has the biggest personality I have ever seen in a horse. He has a conversation with you at all times. Chianti has carried many through the last 2 years. He has touched everyone's heart that has met him. He loves to give kisses and zip up your jackets. In September we started treating a hock infection in his left leg with Veterinary instruction and advice. His hock would get better, he would be ok for a few weeks, and then it would blow back up. After many different diagnosis and medication regiments - we got some more answers today. Chianti has an aggressive bacterial infection within the joint capsule of the hock. It is very severe and has caused a lot of damage. The bacteria is currently being biopsied to find out what we are dealing with further. Best case scenario, Chianti would be able to be a surgery candidate for multiple orthoscopic surgeries to remove infection from the joint capsule and fill with antibiotics plus clean joint fluids while in the joint. This would be done multiple times over a few months until his hock no longer holds any infection or necrotic tissue. Chianti deserves to have a chance, if he isn't given this chance he will have to be euthanized. I just can't do this on my own. Please, if you can consider helping in anyway- we have this go fund me set up, you can call Quakertown Veterinary and put funds in directly for Chianti's surgeries. I have a crystal shop www.therockgarden.gifts/ if you would like to shop, and 100% of what you buy will be going towards his surgeries, medications, and rehab. Please, if you can, share this, pray, and contribute if you can. I promised this horse he would never need another home again and I know he will fight to stay here with us if we can give him what he needs. Thank you for considering helping this boy.
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