Written with help by my neighbour who is a vetaniary nurse and who witnessed Wilson get hit by a car early this morning, and who helped take him to the vets. At present the facts are: Wilson is in a critical period.. The situation at present is that _ in as layman's terms as possible: 1. Due to Wilson’s pneumothorax (air escaped lungs and in the pleural space) and his abdominal trauma causing free fluid which they believe is blood --- 2. All the above considered they did not deem safe to sedate today to carry out x-rays of the chest and leg but the leg is considerably fractured maybe in several places, so they stabilised for now with a splint and bandage for support. 3. Wilson has been for a little very gently toilet break outside he hopped along – see if would like to urinate but has not. 4. Wilson is a Fentanyl constant rate of infusion for the orthopaedic pain, and he seems comfortable the vets say his respiration is more stable with that but still the pneumothorax is a concern. – as is the abdominal fluid which again without sedation they will not tap to verify blood, but they think it is --- they have been monitoring his PCV Packed Cell Volume and did slightly decrease but seems more stable too. 5. There has been no urine production – bladder is small – as intravenous fluid rate is not high because his blood pressure is high – so they are monitoring the bladder function – The plan for the overnight is to keep intensive care, keep iv analgesia and monitor PCV as necessary and vitals. The hope is that Wilson is stable by morning so safe to sedate to x-ray chest and leg – see where Wilson is with these and to ultrasound bladder and tap free abdominal fluid. The cost up to 7pm today with latest update is £1,327.86 There are of course costs for the overnight intensive care. There will be costs for tomorrow's procedures and for the hospitalisation thereafter- which will include the repair of his fractured, possibly shattered left back leg. We are extremely grateful to everyone at Coastway Vets Shoreham – in an emergency this morning which completely upset the scheduled appointments for consults and operations – leaving everything to stabilise Wilson when Carla rushed in with him and __ you saved his life. Sorry to all your clients whose appointments had to be re-scheduled and the extra hours of work overtime to catch up with your jobs today – together with the Brighton team you have all been so compassionate and caring to Wilson and his family and me. Wilson has pet insurance - but by the end of possibly tomorrow - or Saturday it will go over the limit of the insurance cover. This is of extreme concern that insurance will not cover the intensive care. Thank you for your prayers for Wilson today and join us in wishing the veterinary team overnight and Wilson a good night – Tomorrow is a big day for Wilson diagnosis.
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