

Hey guys! As most of you know, Charli has a deep passion for lacrosse and last year thanks to the help of friends and family we could afford for her to play for WA locally. she was awarded MVP last year and has big goals for this year… Last years comp boosted her self esteem and confidence an incredible amount and she couldn’t believe how much everyone was willing to support her!! This year we will again be gearing up to send her to represent WA as one of the states best up and coming young lacrosse goalies- but this year the competition is being held in Ballarat and so I’m here asking for your help again. I could sell boxes and boxes of chocolates and lollies and socks but we only have a couple of months to get the money for flights and accomodation together and we have limited time to get it all organised. Unfortunately we can’t afford for us to go over with her as we can barely afford to send her on her own- so it will be her first time on a flight in a different city with people that aren’t family and I want to make sure we have everything covered. if you can afford just a fiver we are so grateful of that! I am SURE she will represent the country one day!! the donations will cover flights, accommodation, fees to be allowed to play and uniform costs. Thanks in advance for your support!!

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