Our friend, Adrienne, has one of the best puppy dogs ever! His name is Chief and here he is. Chief loves eating (of course), cuddling, and his Chickie! Most of all, he loves his "pack time" when he gets to hang out with Adrienne and all of us. He's always up for an adventure and is the only dog we've ever seen climb a tree. Look! Chief has not been doing well lately and we're not sure what is wrong. On the evening of Sunday, July 23rd, we had to take him to the Emergency Vet because he was having difficulty standing up on his own. He was kept overnight and after a $1,500 ultrasound and $800 in other vet bills, we learned he has some kind of mass in his abdomen. Now, it could be cancer or it could be an abscess of foreign material, or it could be lymph nodes. The only way to know for sure is exploratory surgery to get a biopsy and that is around $1,500 just for the procedure. We're not sure where this road is going to lead or how long it is going to be, but we want Chief to have the best chance he can for more adventures and we know we need help to give him that chance. All funds are going directly to vet bills, treatment and any food or medication that Chief might need. We appreciate any help you can give and Chief thanks you too!
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