

We have fixed the LFEBridge issues with Baby X's account and his site is now working and accepting donations. Please feel free to donate and/or share this link. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your assistance! Much Love to You All!!! Donations for funeral expenses for Baby Xavier. We will update you with Baby X's Celebration of Life Service once we have all the details. THIS IS THE ONLY DONATION WE HAVE GOING ON FOR OUR SON! Thank you everyone for checking up on us and for all your prayers. We are truly highly appreciative and it means a lot to us both. Hello everyone this is baby Xavier Rene Rudolpho Felix’s mom. My baby was 7 months old, born November 30, 2024, as of July 21st at 6:08 pm our beloved precious sweet handsome boy passed over. We have so many unanswered questions, why did he have to go so soon, why did God choose him? His passing is a big shock for us all. We would have never expected this to happen, he was a perfect baby with no problems, and he was very healthy. For those of you who had the privilege to love my little chunky butt, you know how good he was, how happy he always was, he never cried, and always had a huge smile on his little face, the biggest smile ever!!! All you had to do was look at him and tell him hello and his smile would stretch from cheek to cheek! He had a contagious laugh and smile. Everyone is gonna miss you, Xavier. Your daddy and I are both gonna miss you sooooooo very much. We love you forever and always!!! You will forever be our sweet Angel!!! We will see you soon Papasito!!!

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