

Spearheaded by co-directors, Courtland Hodges and Jaron Weatherly, “Motion” is the collective creative efforts of over 30+ (and growing) storytellers coming together to craft an original animated short film over the course of one year. Born from the collaboration formed during the production of the Award-Winning 2D-Animated Short Film “Jennie”, this new project reunites Hodges and Weatherly, along with co-writer Tanner Ostrander, to tell a story of two recent college graduates experiencing the dawn of a new season in their lives within the beautiful, diverse, and vibrant city of Chicago! This film is about what it means to welcome newness in your life, and understand that change is a choice that is in our own hands; it’s up to you to embrace it! With the money from this crowdfunding campaign, our vision is to dedicate around $7,000 towards animation, $2,000 towards post-production, and $1,000 towards original music production. Along with the film itself, we will be creating a full album with original songs written and recorded by a collection of emerging artists, as well as reuniting with “Jennie” composer Paul Zhao. Our hope is to reach as many people as possible with this crowdfunding campaign and with the film itself. Film Festivals are key in spreading the talents and creation in the final stretch of this journey. After the success of “Jennie” in different festivals, our hope is to share “Motion” all around the world, and show the collaborative power of young emerging filmmakers! Thank you so much for coming alongside us as we tell this story! We are grateful for your dedication as we blaze a path forward with this animated short film!

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