Hi my name is Heather & I’m fundraising to help my mother fight cancer. my mother was recently diagnosed with a very aggressive type of breast & lung cancer. She has a very fixed income & we already help with some of her monthly expenses. She has no savings & no end of life plans in place. She only has one child (myself). Her monthly expenses & funeral plans are very expensive. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Prayers & well wishes mean a lot to us right now. She will be starting chemo this week. The doctors think it has spread to her lymph nodes, spine & possibly brain already. Our goal is to help her as much as possible & to prepay her final expenses. We have chosen a funeral home here in Visalia to handle all that. Thank-you!! I will post updates as they become available. Update: The cancer has spread too far too quickly. Chemo is no longer an option. They will be placing her in hospice as soon as they find an open space. Please pray for our family & pray that she doesn’t suffer. Update #2: We are waiting to hear about a placement for my mom. The doctor feels she’s in the final stages of transition. She is sleeping 18-20 hours a day, not eating at all, drinking very little & has no interest in things she used to enjoy. Conversations are getting more difficult as she cannot remember what we are talking about. She is happy to be going into hospice but emotional because she knows what that means. I will update again when placement has been determined. Please contact to share & pray ❤️ My mom passed away on August 30th. She was in hospice care exactly 2 weeks. Please continue to share & pray.
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