

This is the link to Misty’s obituary, Edit* Arrangements have been made, Misty Shook’s service will be held at Greer-McElveen Funeral Home at 725 Wilkesboro Boulevard N.E. Lenoir, 28645. Service will be held at 2pm Sunday August 6th, 2024. If you need anymore information please contact myself, Emily Jud, or Billy-Kim Robbins. Please continue sending prayers for her sons, and our family. Hi, we (Kim Robbins, Emily Jud, and Ashley Eckard) are setting up this fund for our nephews, Andre, Justin, and Adam. Their mother was killed August 1st, 2024, by an impaired driver. Her sons will need help with funeral expenses, as well as living expenses. We don’t have the details for a service as of yet. I will update and share information as it becomes available. We just want to ensure that these young men don’t have to worry about anything besides grieving the loss of their mother.

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