Hi I’m DeAnna, Sheryl’s youngest daughter. She has recently lost her battle with Stage 4 Metastatic Cancer. She is survived by her three children, Amanda (oldest daughter), Chris (her only son) and myself. Also her mother Opal, sister Carla and Husband Edwin. We are wanting to raise funds for her memorial and cremation. Pops is on a fixed income after retiring and we would like to ease his mind and take the financial burden off his shoulders. Momma spent the last couple months of her life depending on him to be her rock, her strength. Any and all donations would be a blessing to him and our family. She was such a wonderful mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend and I know it would make her heart smile to see all the comfort and loving supports her family and friends have already shown. Her last request was for us to take care of pops so we are trying to do so financially as well as emotionally. God bless All donations go directly to Pops for cremation and memorial costs
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