Feeling called to a vocation is much different than working a job, hustling to be self-employed or an entrepreneur or heading to traditional Graduate school. My entire being knows that God has called me to serve the Body of Christ by becoming a soul companion (Spiritual Director), leader and guide to others to deepen into their walk with Christ. * MA in Spiritual Formation from George Fox University's Portland Seminary (Program is built for becoming a Spiritual Director, Retreat leaders and Artists - I will send out updates with my Spirit-inspired dances offerings) Living in one of the most expensive places in the U.S., God has been teaching me how to trust in Him with my finances and sometimes volatile, sometimes stressful and sometimes downright "He provided me with enough to make it this month!" living situation in a worse-than-normal housing crisis on Kauai. Hence, funding Seminary in my 40s is requiring me to come with a humble heart to ask my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to assist if they feel inspired by the Holy Spirit. The cost of the entire program (not including books, fees, healthcare, and regular living expenses) is $22,248 which equals $618/credit. Happily, I did receive a scholarship that will cover one and one-fifth credits for both Fall and Spring ($750/semester). "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender." Proverbs 22:7 Unfortunately, I went into debt for undergraduate school and other things, which I do not believe is what God wants for us. To that end, I am attempting to find creative ways to pay for moving my life back to Portland and pay for this program. This includes: 1. A limited-time 0% credit card 2. Lengthening the program to 3 years instead of 2 3. Looking for other scholarship opportunities other than the one I was awarded via the Seminary 4. Working part-time Many thanks for discerning through the Holy Spirit if this journey God has inspired in me can be a part of your giving over the next few years! Here's the longer story: I woke up to the journey with Jesus on Easter, 2009. I've been searching for the "right" graduate program for 13 of those 14 years. Little did I know that God would encounter me during the crisis of the pandemic. He met me in the wilderness of Kauai, where I embarked on a 3-year "walk in the desert". He met me in my confusion, discomfort, dismay and pain. Trying to navigate living on the most isolated land mass on the planet during the unique scenario no one alive at the time had experienced, and without family or lifelong friends on the same land, let alone the same time zone was the most challenging time of my adult life. Fast-forward to mid-June 2024, and I was once again checking my research notes for grad school. I'd most recently settled on a fully-funded Ph.D. and had whittled it down to four programs that seemed to fit most of my criteria. As I was looking again at those notes, a thought popped into my head. That thought led to a Google search which led to GFU's MA in Spiritual Formation from its Portland Seminary. When I read the description, it was like, tadahhhh, mind-blown, I've found what I've been looking for all of these years. It was quietly waiting for me to shed old patterns, behaviors, traumas and pain from my past. My heart had been preparing for a calling from God. Recently, as some of you know or have seen, God called me to choreograph and dance a few pieces for the Christmas Eve service at my church in Kauai. During that time, God also encouraged me to lead a 4-week introduction to the contemplative Christian life via a Contemplative Advent. I will also be attending my first Centering Prayer silent retreat at St. Anthony's on O'ahu (I am blessed with a full scholarship and will be assisting an elderly woman get to and from the meetings).
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