

Hello! My name is Melissa Gahungu and I truly appreciate you taking a moment to read the story of Irtyazo School. I am raising funds for Irtyazo (Ir-Tya-Zo) Elementary School located in the beautiful East African country of Burundi. Irtyazo School serves students in grades 1-6 where approximately 600 students currently attend. It is located in the Irtyazo hills, which prior to the schools development, created a barrier for school attendance due to the hilly landscape and limited school options in the surrounding areas. Education is a crucial issue for all countries, especially in developing nations like Burundi. It serves as a fundamental pillar for social, political, and cultural development. It plays a crucial role in employment, income generation, understanding societal issues, resolving conflicts, and building an inclusive society. With this in mind, I am asking for your help to raise funds for Irtyazo Elementary School in hopes of addressing the community's need for a 7th grade. The completion of 7th grade in Burundi holds major significance, enabling students to progress to high school, while also providing opportunities for apprenticeships for those unable to pursue further education. As children get older in this region, the likelihood of continuing their educational career decreases, especially girls. Girls are encouraged to stay home to take care of household duties and boys are often pushed to enter the workforce which include herding cattle, farming, or working at local convenience stores to support their families. I had the pleasure to visit Irtyazo Elementary School this summer on a trip to Burundi and fell in love with the beautiful landscape. I spent the day with my cousins exploring Irtyazo region and couldn't help but think a couple of different twists and turns could have easily led me to being an Irtyazo alumni instead of my own journey, thousands of miles away, in California. After reflecting on my experience of my trip to Burundi, I witnessed the countless acts of service and kindness or “Urukundo (Love)” shown to me from neighbors and friends in the region. I hope to mirror these acts of service with the help of you all, my friends and family. The school strictly relies on the support of donations and volunteers to function. The first class opened its doors for the 2017-2018 school year. It was directly funded through a community of Burundians, Americans, Canadians alike all hoping to support a school to advocate for the students and families of the Irtyazo region. For those of you who don’t know, Burundi is the country I was born in and after a Civil War broke out, my family and I moved to the U.S. as refugees when I was 2 years old. I feel it is my duty to pay it forward as my family and I were heavily supported by donations and random acts of kindness when we relocated to the U.S. $7,000 USD will be used for the following: Labor done by local community members: Collection of stones, burning clay to build bricks (bricks used to make school walls), collection of sand from local river to mix with cement for foundation of new school building Purchasing: stones, rebar, sand, and wood to burn clay for base foundation Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope you will consider donating to this worthy cause. If you are unable to donate at this time, I completely understand. Sharing with someone you know is just as impactful. Thanks again! Irtyazo Students (2018) School Grounds (2024) My cousins and I (2024) - two of which attend the school currently View looking out from Irtyazo Elementary School (2024)

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