

Robert Rosario, was a beloved father, son, family member and friend to us all. His smile was contagious and his laughter filled the room with warmth. He had decided about 14 years ago to move overseas to Korea to pursue his educational career. In doing so, he created a life of being an amazing teacher and exploring his creative journey. His passion was teaching children in Korea how to read and write and speak in English. Now, leaving behind is his wife Virginia, his son Michael, as well as his mom and brother. This page is in dedication to helping the Rosario family raise additional funds to support the funeral expenses as well as medical billing. Robert was coming home before this unfortunate passing but now we must organize bringing him home to the US to celebrate his life. The family appreciates all donations possible. Knowing that you all have Robert in your thoughts and prayers, means the world to not just us but to him as well. Much appreciation, With love.

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