

Jonathan Gonzalez sadly departed from our world on 7/31/2024, leaving behind his wife and three kids. A member of the Gonzalez family, who took pride in the name and took care of everyone who had it. An Angel who walked our earth everyday, who will be missed by so many people who loved him. This LFEBridge is in honor of Jonathan and all proceeds go directly to his family in order to take care of funeral expenses / his family. Jonathan Gonzalez Tristemente dejo este mundo el 7/31/2024. Perdimos a un padre,esposo,hijo,nieto y mucho más. Un miembro de la familia González que tomó honor en el nombre y nos cuidaba. Hemos creado este LFEBridge para ayudar con los servicios funerales. Thank you everyone Gracias a todo The González Family and extended family La familia Gonzalez y todos

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