The Histology community of Cleveland, OH was devastated by the sudden passing of Amad. He worked at multiple institutions including University Hospitals, the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve. At each organization, he was an inspiration to others around him, an innovator in his field and most of all a good friend. He was always willing to listen with an open ear, help with an open heart and insert jokes when needed. Amad's main focus however was always on his family and making sure that they were taken care of. He worked tirelessly to ensure the success of his family and place them at the center of his life. He was the sole provider for his parents, wife and five children. Amad is no longer here, but his family still is. This fundraiser is for his family. It is for Amad. I am asking that we can all donate in his honor because he would do it for us. He cared deeply for all of us or he wouldn't have worked at so many places! Let's carry on in his honor and support what he loved the most, his family. Thank you in advance.
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