Hi, my name is Jen and I’m trying to raise money to help my sister Stacy pay for unexpected medical expenses she incurred while trying to get her sweet puppy medical treatment. Hudson is a six year old Golden Retriever who up until a few weeks ago was a happy, healthy and loving pup! Stacy noticed a few weeks ago that Hudson appeared to be retaining fluid. Long story short, after multiple visits to her regular veterinarian as well as visits to a specialist several hours from home, Stacy was hopeful the underlying issues causing Hudson’s fluid retention would be diagnosed. On the 3rd of July Stacy had to rush Hudson to a specialist to have a chest tap, among other procedures completed. Hudson was in distress and having trouble breathing. By the 4th the veterinarian had called Stacy to tell her Hudson had turned a corner and was doing much better. He was eating, drinking and breathing normally. By the 5th Stacy received another call from the same veterinarian who told her Hudson had once again taken a turn for the worse. He was retaining fluid again and was unable to breathe normally. Stacy was ultimately told Hudson would need to be put down. What was more difficult than hearing the news herself was breaking the news to her six year old, Everett. It breaks my heart that after after weeks of vet visits and thousands of dollars (upwards of $8,000) the ultimate outcome isn’t Hudson coming home. Instead Stacy and will have to tell her sweet puppy goodbye. I want to raise money to help Stacy pay for the medical expenses she incurred. She knew the procedures were expensive but how can you put a price on family? That’s what Hudson was, family. Any amount to help alleviate some of her financial burden would be immensely appreciated.
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