Update: DAD IS OUT OF THE HOSPITAL!! He is in Extendicare in Dothan AL. He is doing a lot better but still has a loonnggg road ahead. He has gotten approved for insurance to help from this point on so I will be closing up the LFEBridge. Thank you so much for all your support. Your funds are going to help us possibly bring dad home here with us in WV!!! Update: In September, Dad was tired of having a trach so he pulled it out himself! He’s always been stubborn. He is beginning to try and speak. He has full function of his left hand. I have been able to FaceTime him a few times and he recognizes me, and is rather emotional. I am so thankful that he remembers me, that was my main concern!!! We are still in the process of trying to get him into an inpatient rehab facility. My ultimate goal is to bring him home and no longer have him in Alabama. I just now have to figure out how to make all that work. This is what your funds will be going towards. Assisted living facilities are not cheap. I have been discussing with people at the hospital trying to get him approved for Medicaid. I will try to keep everyone updated!! Update: As of Wednesday 8/30….Dad is officially off the ventilator and is no longer sedated! He is awake. I have FaceTimed him thanks to Kristin, who has been helping me through all this. He currently has no control over his right side and is rapidly moving his left side, not entirely in control. We don’t know how much of him is “there” because he is struggling to communicate due to the trach and brain damage. I am working daily with his doctors, nurses, patient advocate & case management to find arrangements for him at a nursing facility where he will have extensive rehab. I thank you for everyone’s donations & support. Update: As of Thursday 7/27, I spoke with dads neurologist. He said that when he was prompting him during his neurological exam, he was pushing dad and dad was finally able to do a thumbs up. So progress!!! Hi my name is Jessica. My father is Jeff Bloxom. On July 20th, I was notified that my father had had a massive stroke and was in the hospital. I immediately went in search of information. I discovered he had a thrombectomy done and was currently sedated & on a ventilator in the Neuro ICU. After several attempts to extubate, his chances are not looking good. In the next 7 days, we will have a decision to make if extubation continues to fail. Please consider contributing to help pay for expenses; whether it be for extensive rehabilitation, or for funeral arrangements. Thank you so much.
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