

ACC just closed its doors to cat surrenders. We are all sick about this situation. Catstoria Rescue is willing to pull a cat from ACC with 1 foster offer and 1 month's rent for Kitty Haven. We just pulled a cat in need named Shrimp. The goal is $1500 and 1 Foster offer. The reason: Catstoria is in no position to take on another cat with critically low funds and physical help. The cats who are currently in our care are mostly rescued from the streets. It is critical we help ACC. We can do this together. And for every month's rent we raise, we will pull one cat. What makes Catstoria in a unique position is Kitty Haven. We can save semi-friendly and feral cats along with Friendly cats and Kittens. As long as we can pay the rent we can house cats. Please message me for a tax receipt at @catsofastoriaqueens on Instagram or through the LFEBridge portal.

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