

Hi, my name is Anna. I’m raising funds for my cat Tracy to get a CT and surgery. Tracy is 13. I’ve had her and my other cat Loki for 2 years. Around last winter, she started developing symptoms that could not be pinpointed to a cause - she started sneezing blood, and then developing a bump in between her eyes. It has progressed into facial distortion making her unable to use her right eye. The vet tried prescribing antibiotics and steroids, ran an ELISA test for a fungal infection, and took a histology same to test for infection or cancer. All tests came back negative, and while the medications offered temporary relief, the growth has progressed. Tracy still eats and comes out for love and a bit of play sometimes, but her hiding behavior has increased, and my other cat Loki’s behavior has changed towards her towards borderline predatory. A couple of days ago, I found a case study about a cat with the same symptoms, the same negative test results, and the same medications used to no avail. That cat‘s growth progressed for a year before finally, a CT identified an aggressive osteolytic mass lesion as the culprit. The cat underwent surgery and recovered. His face was back to normal a year later. Tracy is otherwise a healthy and very gentle cat. While this growth is not infectious and not cancerous, it is causing her discomfort and it would mean the world to me to be able to get her treatment. Unfortunately, I just don’t have the funds for it, and I have been turned away from nonprofits due to their selection criteria. Many either require a diagnosis or target cancer specifically. I’ve been told a CT will cost $1700-$3000, and surgery can cost well over a thousand dollars, too. Please help me get Tracy treatment by donating and spreading the word, and if you know any vets or other people in that industry who can help, I’d love to talk to them too. Thank you for your time and goodwill.

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