It's 1 year later and those summer pesky flies are back AGAIN! I am super grateful to everyone who donated last year when I started this Go Fund Me. We spent every dollar wisely to do our best to help each horse. I'm hoping to be able to buy more fly masks and more fly spray to surprise a very special person again and help the now 15 wonderful horses she has in her care with some costly daily necessities. I met Vanessa 2 years ago when I started taking horseback riding lessons. I was so amazed and impressed with the super cleanliness of her barn and the very healthy condition of her horses. She has helped 2 more in need of rescue and rehabilitation since my 1st Go Fund Me a year ago. At least 5 of her 15 horses have been rescued from various situations of neglect. For me, just 1 horse would be overwhelming to take care of properly and Vanessa takes care of 15 horses! I have grown to love each and every horse she has. I go weekly for lessons on Tuesdays and then I volunteer by helping her with barn chores on Sundays. I began to notice how super annoying the flies are buzzing around the horses faces and landing on their bodies. The flies are bugging the horses non stop and bugging the riders too. I've noticed how much better the horses feel when they have fly masks to cover their faces, eyes and ears and have fly spray sprayed on them. Everytime I'm at the barn at least one of the horses has ripped off their fly mask, lost it somehow while grazing, or ripped it to shreds. Everytime I'm there I witness Vanessa carefully spraying each horse down with fly spray in the mornings and again in the evenings. I see her trying to repair the torn masks. This gets costly and time consuming! I want to surprise Vanessa and her horses with new fly masks that cover their entire faces, eyes and ears. I don't want to get the cheap ones because those are the masks that don't last but a week or two. I also want to surprise Vanessa with large bottles of fly spray for each horse so a bottle can be readily available within reach hanging on each stall. Will YOU help me surprise Vanessa and her horses again with some new fly masks and fly spray? A decent fly mask runs about $28 per mask and a quality brand of fly spray runs about $18 a bottle. Prices keep going up. Please help me help Vanessa and her horses with another big surprise!
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