

Ciao a tutti! Avrò la spettacolare opportunità di passare le prossime 3 settimane con gli splendidi bambini della Trinity Yard School a Cape Three Points in Ghana e vorrei dar loro una mano attraverso una campagna di donazione! Trinity Yard School è una scuola no profit che si occupa da anni di offrire istruzione e formazione professionale gratuite, concentrandosi sulla conservazione della cultura ghanese attraverso le arti tradizionali e l'agricoltura sostenibile. Spero mi aiuterete ad aiutarli, significherebbe il mondo! Grazie di cuore :) Un abbraccio, Irene Hi everyone!!! I will have the spectacular opportunity to spend the next 3 weeks with the wonderful children of Trinity Yard School in Cape Three Points in Ghana and would like to lend them a hand through a donation campaign! Trinity Yard School is a nonprofit school that has been providing free education and vocational training for years, focusing on preserving Ghanaian culture through traditional arts and sustainable agriculture. I hope you will help me help them, cause that would mean the world! Thank you from the bottom of my heart :) A hug, Irene Trinity Yard aims to educate and empower the youth of Cape Three Points by providing a fee-free secondary education and career training to honor the potential of young Ghanaians. Check us out at

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