Hi, I'm Courtnee, Emily's cousin. I am raising money to help send her to "CMERA" (Coastal Marine Education and Research Academy). She is hoping to attend the program in the summer of 2024. If anyone deserves to go to this program, it's Emily. She is extremely passionate about her degree in Zoology & Conservation. This program allows her to explore marine biology as a career choice through hands-on experiences. Through your donation, you will be helping pay for her flights down to Clearwater, Florida as well as her room + board and the internship as a whole. Any donation counts! CMERA was founded to provide students the unique opportunity to be in the field and work directly with marine life. This program was designed to be 100% hands-on and, in the field, so that each day you spent with CMERA you are on a boat catching and handling live animals. We are trying to give students the chance to use equipment, handle wild animals, and to participate in ongoing research. CMERA website
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