Update so far as of 7/25/23 Pippy is doing much better than she was, but she still has some way to go. She stood up for the first time today and had a drink from her water bowl. She is also starting to lick food from peoples finger while still having a feeding tube in. Once again thank everyone so far for the donations they will definitely help and if there’s any way I can repay it I will. Keep praying for pip to keep progressing ❤️ So avets gave me a few places to reach out to for financial help. I made the campaign but it won't let me share it to Facebook. But in writing it up I figured I would share on here the entire story of what happened from Thursday until now. Pippy was acting like she was uncomfortable sitting on Thursday so my daughter called off work and we waited for the vet to open to see if they could squeeze her in. We took her over and they said her anal glands needed expressed and that her blood work showed she had a high thyroid and low sugar level. Her sugar was 24. Before we took her she was running up and down the steps and jumping up on the counter and after this visit she came back unresponsive. They also said she was dehydrated. They gave her IV fluids and sent her home. They also gave me medicine to put on her ear twice a day for her thyroid. Thank God I didn't do that because of the condition she came home in I held off. And the next vet said they have no idea why they put her on that. That there's nothing wrong with her thyroid. Anyway. She continued to be lethargic so I called the vet that saw her and I told them I don't understand. When she went there she was fine other than not being able to sit now she's unresponsive. They said it's probably because of her sugar and to rub syrup on her gums. And if that doesn't work to take her to the emergency vets. Meanwhile I just paid them 700 and I'm using aunt Jemima on my unresponsive cats lips and told to go to an emergency vet. I tried the syrup over the next few hours and she never came around so my daughter took her to avets in Monroeville. She's been there 3 days now and they finally have her stabilized but she's still lethargic. She is on Prednisone and antiseizure meds and will probably need an ng tube next. The vet said it's a miracle she even survived between the first vet and him where she is now. The plan is to get her blood levels right and try to get her out of the coma state and to see if going too long with low blood sugar caused permanent brain damage. When holly went to see her last night she did lift her little weak head when holly rubbed her chin. She also tried to meow. I pray to God she comes around but we can easily exceed 10000 $. Avets gave me this cofund thing to reach out for financial help. Please if anyone can please please help up it will be greatly appreciated. I would never ask for anything ever but please help save our baby... So that's what happened in a nutshell. From river valley vets for not being comfortable sitting to completely unresponsive and having seizures. Any help will be so much appreciated and I will repay it in any way I can. Thank you all so much who donated so far it means more than a lot to me. Let’s pray she continues to pull through and make progress
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