Hi! My name is King Julian, yes just like the character from Madagascar! My humans have always made me feel like the King of the house. I consider myself to be a strong boy, although now an older man. I've battled over 6-7 bouts of tick fever, arthritis and through it all, I have eaten all sorts of delicacies that my humans would consider dangerous but those are just some of the things I love. I'm a bit of a crazy boy, who does his own thing and that makes my humans fall in love with me even more. Unfortunately, I have developed a chronic medical condition. I am down with Chronic Kidney Illness, which means my kidneys are failing and my humans are constantly running from pillar to post to ensure I get the best treatment. But now I see them at their wits end as their funds run short. I need to get drips twice a day for 3-4 hours at a stretch, eat special renal food, which is quite expensive. I have always called India my home. I was born and raised here. My favourite humans, fellow doggie friends all live here. This is a small appeal from me to please help my humans fund my illness, I can't see their stress and sadness any longer. Any amount of contribution would be helpful. In return, I send you lots of licks and extra kissies for your help!
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