

Hi everyone, so I’m here because my beloved dog Beowulf got in an accident while we were trying to enjoy a nice beach day up at Shaver Lake. He was running along the beach and a branch from a uprooted tree was sticking out with a sharp end that cut his side right open as he ran by. He yelped in pain and I couldn’t calm him down. He was trying to run from the pain. Others near by came to help and I held a towel to his side as my friend drove us an hour home to the nearest Fresno vet hospital. He is okay, thank god, but with treatment and minor surgery his vet bill is pretty high for me to pay on my own and all my other bills. Currently I bartend and teach yoga and that’s just enough for me to pay my bills every month. I can’t afford his vet bill and had to open another credit card. We would appreciate it if anyone can help with Beowulf’s vet bills. Anything helps really. For all of you that know Beo, you know he’s a sweet, loving, and loyal dog that deserve the best care. Thank you for your support. We both appreciate it. Beo’a accident happened on a Monday, he stayed over night and the vet placed a honey bandage on his wound to try and help the bacteria and first to ride. They closed him up the following day with over 20 stitches and 12 staples. He has a drain sticking out from his side to drain the blood and bacteria. This morning Saturday I went to drain his side and I notice his skin tearing. His skin was tearing apart from the stitches and around. I rushed him back to the hospital where he is now. We have to transfer him to a long term vet hospital so they can keep treating his wound. It has only gotten bigger and worse. He has a long road ahead of him and more and more vet visits. Please if you can help us or share our story we would be forever grateful. 

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