Everybody please hear me, I never ask anyone for anything period. But I'm asking please desperately for help to bury my sissy Charlotte Tirado. I need to come up with at least half of $11,000. I'll pay the rest off in payments if I don't get it. Whatever it takes. We're doing a carwash both Saturday and Sunday, my girlfriends manager going to bring his catering truck, plus we have lumpia plates for sale. On top of that I have some good deals on electronics, baseball cards, memorabilia, coins, comic books and more... hit me up for prices. If you can't pitch it's OK come show love and help at the car wash or get your car washed. Thank you everyone for the support and everyone who went to visit her, especially Rosemarie and Roxanne for staying with her for her last breath I couldn't take it. Love you both so much.. 6192191642 if you need any info for any of it.
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