

31.Juli.24: LIEBE FREUNDE, DIE TÜRKEI HAT EIN LEBENSFEINDLICHES GESETZ VERABSCHIEDET - DIE TÖTUNG VON HEIMATLOSEN TIEREN. ICH KÜMMERE MICH UM MEHRERE HEIMATLOSE TIERE zb) IN CANAKKALE ODER MALATYA. ICH MÖCHTE DIE HUNDE UM DIE ICH MICH KÜMMERE AUSREISEFERTIG MACHEN. DAS IST LEIDER KOSTSPIELIG. PRO HUND UM DIE 800€. HABE 5 GANZ KLEINE HUNDE DIE BALD VON DER GEMEINDE BAYRAMIC, CANAKKALE GETÖTET WERDEN. SIE WÜRDEN KEINEN TAG IM „TIERHEIM“ IN DER TÜRKEI ÜBERLEBEN. IN MALATYA WURDE DIE HÜNDIN UM DIE ICH MICH KÜMMERE ERSCHOSSEN, JETZT SIND IHRE ZWEI WELPEN OHNE MAMA. BITTE HELFT DEN TÜRKISCHEN TIEREN. FÜR MEHR INFOS: 4th May) thanks to everyone donating so far to stray Dogs in turkey. Atm I have 2 emergency cases: a female dog with an amputated paw. She was hit by a car and got an amputation a kind lady paid for it but couldn’t find a home for her so only 9 days after the amputation she brought the girl back to the place she found her. With a fresh stitching wound…ofc I couldn’t let that happen and brought her to Istanbul. The second one is a young dog from malatya was shot by municipality with a numbing shot and got an overdose. This young male pup will also travel to Istanbul on 5th may 2024. Then I have to make them travel ready. Please support the dogs to get out of this cruel country. Thank you in advance ❤️ Since 2018, I have been helping stray dogs from Turkey find homes in Germany and providing them with food, shelter, and medical assistance. Unfortunately, the situation of stray dogs in Turkey is getting worse. They are frequently exposed to violence and neglect as people become increasingly disconnected from nature and view street animals as unworthy of care and compassion.I can no longer keep up with all the emergencies alone and depend on people with a heart for the most vulnerable to make a positive impact and to provide help to a larger number of stray dogs in need. With your generous help I am able to improve the life’s of stray dogs in turkey and fund them so they can get neutered, vaccinated, fed, accommodations( till they can depart Turkey) to families in Europe. For example: Cost breakdown for 1 dog until he can leave for a better life in Europe: 1) Vaccination, chipping, pet pasport and neutering = 80-150€ 2) Blood test ( Requirement to enter Europe) 100-120€ 3) accommodation (3 months quarantine is required till they can leave turkey) 250-300€ 4) Flight ( 200 - 250€) As you can see the costs are very high. if you have any further questions about the process and how I am helping the dogs —> please get in touch with me: [email redacted]

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