Hi, my name is Jonathan Sztabinski and I just finished up an amazing year in Yeshiva. Being in Jerusalem itself is an honor and privilege that was made possible by Hashem. Firstly, I want to thank the Rebbeim this year who have helped me grow in my Yiddishkite and feel what it means to be a Jew. Secondly, I would like to thank all the Rabbis in Miami who helped me start my journey of Judaism and helped my family throughout the years. I would like to thank Shorashim for being my home away from home, always making me feel comfortable and encouraging me to do the right thing. Over this Yeshiva year, I went through ups and downs, but going into the next year I can look back and say it was inspirational. I couldn't have imagined what this year had in store for me in many aspects. One of the main things is learning. Before this year I never learned Gemara or anything relatively close to how much I did this year. Now I know the path that I'm on. It's a path of structure, stability and everlasting goodness which all comes from the source being the Torah. Learning each day and applying whatever I can to be a light to the world as that's what Jews do. I hope after reading this you can touch your heart, and take part in this mitzvah to help me bring more Torah into the world and continue to grow. You can read my story and countless others who have changed in such great amounts of Judaism that seemed impossible. When you have emuna even the impossible is possible, and there is no limit to where you can be. May it be Hashem's will that anybody reading this gets happiness, parnasa, chaim tovim, and hatzlacha in whatever they want to accomplish in life.
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