Hi, my name is Shira and I’m raising money to use the opportunity I have this coming year to go to Eretz Yisroel to study with my peers and gain a closer relationship to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been accepted to Darchei Binah, however, raising money is up to me in order to make this dream come true and I have already put a lot of my own money towards the flight, clothes, insurance, etc. it would really benefit me if you could donate towards my cause. I’ve always wanted the chance to experience the way different families live and conduct themselves, especially in Torah homes. Going to Eretz Yisroel would be the perfect place for me to experience this and it will surely provide many lifelong lessons I can hold onto. Every little bit helps. Please help me make my dreams come true! Thank you so much in advance! Please note that as per our Rav, Masser money can be used.
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