

Hi my name is Karen, our puppy Maverick was diagnosed with diabetes at 14 weeks old. It's incredibly rare in puppies and as such he has a a difficult journey ahead in order to try and manage this. Of course we have insurance, and even pay a monthly fee for vet consultations.  He is extra important to us, as he was bought as a therapy dog for my husband. Hes had his own health issues, and Maverick has been so important to his recovery, if we lost Maverick,  it could massively set my husband back. Recently Mavericks health took a dip. He spent the day in intensive care and we subsequently took him to Edinburgh vet school. So far the insurance covers what we have done, but there is a £6000 limit. After the last few days we are likely to exceed this limit. He's only 20 weeks old today (25/07/2024) we are concerned that once we hit the limit we simply can't afford to carry on with all the care he will need. It's not the basics like insulin, it's other treatments that are likely to follow, perhaps more hospitalisation. Our vet advised that there is no case studies where this ends well. we do not want to give up on him. He is an amazing wee guy, with has a very loving family who want to give him every chance to live a long full life. Should the worse happen, and we do loose him, any funds that are not used to keep Maverick healthy will be donated to the PDSA. But fingers crossed this is not going to happen ❤️ Maverick does have an Instagram, where "he" posts regularly updates, we will also ensure that any monies spent after the insurance money is done, is accounted for on the Instagram page for full disclosure. Any donation no matter what size is hugely appreciated! Help us keep Maverick alive and healthy! Thank you in advance ❤️ Instagram @maverickminidaschund

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