

Hello out there! I foster as an independent rescuer - and that means sometimes there are vet bills. This young lad, found as a spicy feral babe in a shed, developed an eye infection that just isn't healing. He's already seen the vet several times for it. And now, after his neuter surgery, the vet has officially recommended enucleation, removal of the eye, for his health and comfort. Well, Castle Bast Boop Camp relies on you, kind denizens of the internet, to help these sweet little furlings. We've an estimate from our vet, but need to fundraise before we can proceed. Please help little Mace Windu make the transformation to Nick Furry - it's best for him, though it breaks our hearts that it needs to happen. Londo Mewllari, paragon of our rescue stories, will thank you with photos and updates!

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