Hi, my name is Elly MacDonald, and I am here to ask for help to allow my niece, Lulu, to attend a unique school with many opportunities. I am humbly seeking the help of our friends and family to make this academic dream a possibility. Lulu has been homeschooled since January 2024, when Covid hit. She has flourished and grown tremendously; however, she is now faced with an exceptional opportunity that is too good to pass up. My sister, Natalie (Lulu’s mother), has just accepted a teaching position at an innovative international school called The Dewey Schools in Hanoi, Vietnam. Lulu has been accepted into a unique cohort of 15 international students called the “journey program.” Her classmates will be predominantly Korean; while in their cohort for most of their classes, they will socialize and collaborate with students from other academic tracks. Those are comprised primarily of Vietnamese students. She will have the unique experience of immersing herself in both cultures while gaining exposure to cutting-edge technology in the STEAM labs, maker spaces, visual/performing arts, and sports. Lulu is very excited about getting out of the house, making new friends, and not having Piper (her dad) as her homeschool teacher anymore! Natalie expressed her heartache to me, that while the employee benefits package offers a generous reduction of 75% off tuition, it does not apply to all the additional fees, making affording the school out of reach. I am reaching out to the generosity of friends and family to help make this dream a reality. Any contribution is the greatest gift and is accepted with tremendous gratitude. About the school: https://thedeweyschools.edu.vn/en/about-us/
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