

Hi my name is Allison, and I am trying to help my son, Liam, to be able to openly communicate with us. He is 12 years old and autistic. Liam is a non-speaker so he only has the ability to echo words back to us but he can’t communicate with us when he is wanting something or if he is not feeling well. Thanks to an amazing family member we were made aware of a movie called Spellers, a documentary about a therapy where they use a spelling board to openly communicate with their friends and family. We searched in our area to see if there was a practitioner that taught this technique and there was one at a therapy center about 30 minutes away. We got Liam on the waitlist and due to my persistent calling we were able to get him in quickly to start the therapy. The only issue is each hour long session for this is costing $125 plus the extra gas money to get out there for the sessions. Insurance is still in the process of being contacted to try and cover some of these costs but until that time it is hard to continue in with more therapies even though we know it is the best thing for him. This could open up a whole new world for Liam. Imagine not being able to ask for your favorite foods to eat or tell your parents when you have a headache, you just have to suffer in silence. Giving someone the gift of communication can change their life. Any amount of donation would be so helpful in us being able to continue this path for Liam to change his life. If you would like more information on what S2C is you can visit the website below

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