

Hi, I've been good friends with this kind happy fella for many years. Recently I ran into Joe while I was in Hilo, Hawaii. It was great to see Joe and catch up. We reminisced of old times like Thanksgiving with Jody and our old bar knok knok lounge / Funktion. We talked about his new adventures in Pahoa and the insane prices of food on the Island. We met up at a beach where he had taken Jody when we first started working together at the bar 8 years ago. Many memories were shared. I learned that Joes dog Bernard was unable to come with him due to expenses and when life calls you to leave it all behind and begin a new journey it takes faith and courage above all. Joe's new adventure has only just begun. To me it seems that healing, growing and moving forward can be done alone, yet having your best friend by your side always makes it easier. If you are able please help get Bernard to Hawaii. The expenses were too much for Joe to take him. A move to Hawaii alone is expensive. Just getting to the grocery store from where Joe lives is a journey. His closest grocery store is Island Naturals (an expensive natural food store) there is no cheap food anywhere close. Saving up to get Bernard to Hawaii will take a very long time. As we all know it's so difficult to leave friends and family behind and everything your accustom to. Joe's always been a light with a shining smile that is infectious. Life's been hard lately but he is still smiling. Beneath that smile is a loneliness I can see it in his eyes. Joe and Jody always had a few very loved pets as they both loved thier animals very much and had some spoiled kids. Nothing would mean more to Joe than to have his pup by his side exploring and beginning a new life together. Please help get Bernard to his Daddy.

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