

We are a group of volunteers located in Frankadua, Ghana. We’ve been here assisting Retca Primary school, an important, local community run school, which provides education for those who otherwise would not have it, but which is considerably under resourced. So far, we have been able to aid in the supply of resources such as exercise books, pens, pencils and sporting equipment. However, there is still a significant gap in what the school needs and what the school has. The school has no posters on the walls, most classrooms have no electricity, many kids have no exercise books or school uniform. This is a plea for financial support, so we improve the education, wellbeing and support of these children. Some of the supplies we would like to buy: Exercise books for all the children School uniform for those without Pens, pencils and erasers Posters for the walls Textbooks Reading books A set of drums More sports equipment including a netball and volleyball net

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